ABOUT the art show

Spiritus’ first initiative is an online art show called ‘Arise.’ 

50 days —Beginning on Easter and continuing through Pentecost — from April 17th through June 5th. 

Artwork of Birds and Words will be released daily as a creative act
Pray with us to ‘Arise’: 
1) The lift-off of Spiritus 
2) Believers coming to life
3) Calling forth artisans to be set free 

Pray with us: 
Join us in prayer as we launch. Pray with us for individuals to be set free and that they would give their life over to God - that they would receive His Spirit. Pray also that he would fill Spiritus with love, joy, and ingenuity. 

Artwork will be released daily on the website and through social media during the show.

Daily Release of Birds

Spiritus will be releasing birds daily to call out those creative ones! Come Alive, Birds! Be set Free! Join us in prayer each day as we are interceding for individuals in our lives that need the love of God and to be set free! Be filled with Jesus' Spirit. Spiritus.