on the throne

"After this I looked, and behold, right in front of me I saw a vast multitude of people—an enormous multitude so huge that no one could count—made up of victorious ones from every nation, tribe, people group, and language. They were all in glistening white robes, standing before the throne and before the Lamb with palm branches[u] in their hands. 10 And they shouted out with a passionate voice:

“Salvation belongs to our God
   seated on the throne
   and to the Lamb!”

The Passion Translation

"Depois disso olhei, e diante de mim estava uma grande multidão que ninguém podia contar, de todas as nações, tribos, povos e línguas, de pé, diante do trono e do Cordeiro, com vestes brancas e segurando palmas.
E clamavam em alta voz: 

"A salvação pertence ao nosso Deus, que se assenta no trono, e ao Cordeiro".

Apocalipse 7:9,10
Nova Versão Internacional - NIV


Voice of Bible Reading: Aline Paula Du Toit 

Music Credits: Aurora by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au


Woah! The Lamb! We will see the Lamb of God. Every nation will bow before the throne. Worship the Lamb of God. 

Did you know that John the beloved saw God! He records his vivid account in the book of Revelation. Jesus appears as though like jasper - fiery red / with lighting, rainbows and the sea of glass! Along with all kinds of creatures. 

Worship the LIVING GOD! Pray for others to have encounters with Jesus and fall at his feet. 


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