His Creative Spirit

Know the message of God’s love

Knowing is not just head knowledge. It is experienced. Knowing a mother’s love is not just through a transfer of things provided for you but a heart-felt connection.

How can we receive God’s love? We encourage deep encounters in relationship. We teach on how to have a deep personal relationship with God.

One critical way to experiencing God is learning how to hear the voice of God. - 1 Samuel

Many times we are like the child Samuel who didn’t know when God was speaking to him. God loves to have a deep personal relationship.

It is almost foreign in our culture to say we have heard the voice of God. Yet, it is one of God’s deepest desires for us.

Learn to Hear God's Voice

Jesus said His sheep know his voice. We will be providing resources targeted to children to help them learn to hear the voice of God.

Express your Faith

Spiritus will be showcasing children's artwork as they learn to proclaim their love for God.