little bird
Teach me to fly

"I baptize you with water for repentance. 

But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, 

whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. 

He will baptize you with the 

Holy Spirit and fire."

Matt 3:11


The way to fly is to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. This is how to reach the sky. Jesus is ready to fill us all with HIS SPIRIT. John the Baptist baptized people with water as a sign of repentance. People would be submerged in the Jordan river to signify the pass of old to new. This is the same river that Joshua lead the Israelites through to reach the promised land. 

Everyone must go through a baptism of repentance and what John signifies is that Jesus will submerge us with the Holy Spirit. John describes the baptism as though it were like fire. Fire emits light. God wants to fill us with light! 

Pray for others to be filled with the Holy Spirit Fire. Teach others how to fly in the Spirit. On his holy wings, we fly. 

#spiritus #spiritusarts #free #fly #birdlovers #birdart #baptism #pentecost #arise 

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