Wild Birds Come

Music Credits: Helder Francisco - ‘John 3:16’ - N'rymaka - Iris Global
Apple Music Store »

Various Artist drawings: Don Clarke, Hsiao Sun, Jordan Saylor, Marc Eckel, Nevera Sandland, Stacy Reeves, Evie Potter, Skaggs Family

"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news,

who proclaim peace, 

who bring good tidings, 

who proclaim salvation, 

who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

Isaiah 52:7 


Preach the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ! He died for our sins. Be filled with the Holy Spirit! 

We are calling on the ‘wild birds'! Jesus, touch your creative ones and bring them home! Come, Come, Come! Change your heart and receive forgiveness. Receive the Holy Spirit!


Various Artists: 

 #spiritusarts #spiritus #isaiah52 #preach #preachthegospel #birdart #birds 

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