the beginning
New Day

Bird #050 - Spiritus - 
This bird is our own bird in celebration of Pentecost. 50 Days from Easter to Pentecost!  
Also, in celebration of Pentecost, we are releasing our bird with Rolland Baker's sunset photography along with Mozambican pastors worshipping, full of the Spirit. Jason Lee Jones and his team captured this beautiful moment in Pemba, Mozambique. 

God has used Rolland and Heidi Baker's laid-down life in Africa and around the world to spread the gospel and see thousands upon thousands come to know the Lord. 

"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven 

and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 

They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire 

that separated and came to rest on each of them. 

All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit 
and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."
Acts 2:1-4

Photography: Rolland E. Baker
Iris Global Mozambican Pastors - Pemba 2016
Live album from Jason Lee Jones and Marcus Vinny Salles. Recorded live at Iris Global in Pemba, Mozambique, Africa in 2016. 
Download the album on iTunes: 



Did you know that the night is the beginning of the next day in the Jewish culture? Even in Genesis 1, it is referenced this way. 
“God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.”

Each day in the first six days was referenced like this. 

In Psalm 55, David references this same concept: 
"Evening, morning and noon
    I cry out in distress,
    and he hears my voice."

Starting the day in the darkness seems contrary to ‘a beginning’ unless you understand how God has created the earth. Creation started with darkness. A seed starts in darkness, covered by the dirt. A baby is born hidden inside a mother's womb. 

Life begins in the unseen. We don't see the tangible fruit of our labors when we begin. We walk in faith, expectant to see what God has promised. 

Spiritus is praying night and day to see souls ARISE. We are praying that God would fill the hearts of men and women with His Spirit. 

We must turn from all sin and ask God to forgive us. Accept Jesus' death on the cross as payment for our sin. Jesus' blood pays for our debt. We then can be born again and filled with the Spirit! Receive a new Spirit!

Pray for others to be filled with the Holy Spirit!

#spiritus #spiritusarts #arise #birdlovers #birdart #free #freedom #rollalndbaker #sunset #newday #bornagain #pentecost

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