the Kingdom
Seek First

Photography: Jordan Saylor

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, 

and all these things will be given to you as well. 

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. 

Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Matt 6:33 NIV


The simple gospel. Seek first his kingdom. Follow and obey. There is great peace when you actually die to the ways of the world. When you make Jesus your Lord and choose to live a life of being a servant, things just fall into place. God takes over. He fulfills you where you could never make it on your own. When you yield and abide he produces the fruit in you through HIM. 

This is how you soar! You seek first his kingdom and follow the Spirit's leading. 

Pray and encourage others to seek first the kingdom! 



About the Artist: 

Jordan Saylor is a talented songwriter who in his free time loves to write and record music. He and his wife, Lydia, have a huge passion for creativity and worship, He owns a creative video and social media agency called JLS Co. ( He and his wife and their three children reside in southern Indiana.


#spiritus #spiritusarts #birdart #fly # @jordanwaynesaylor #seekfirst #matt6 #kingdom

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