
RISE by Regina Jones

Music Credits: Prelude (Instrumental) (Live) Jason Lee Jones  @JasonLeeJones 




"Rise Hands. Rise in holy surrender. Lifting, remembering the blood spilled by spotless lamb. Rise Hands in adoration of your soul saving, death defying substitute. Rise Hands.

Rise Faith. Faith in the unseen. Making substance out of hope. Making evidence in the process. Rise Faith.

Rise Smoke. Smoke on. Smoke on the altar from the one pure offering. Ever risen Jesus, Lamb Slain before foundations poured.  Rise Smoke.


Rise Love. Love that NEVER FAILS. Love that believes and sees and loves ANYWAY and ALL the way THROUGH to the breaking of dawn. LOVE that reaches to the end BUT will never find it. Love eternal.  Rise Love.


Rise Cross. Rise on Calvary’s hill. Stand tall with willing lamb weighted with our heavy sin. Rise cross with declaration of ‘It is finished’. Rise Cross.


Rise Justice. Keep on rising while sin falls defeated by Jesus, All God/All Man! Dark death yielded to Yahweh’s breath of life. Heavy hearts are born new. They swell with grace-filled air lighter than that of the grave’s gravity. Rise Justice.


Rise Bread. Commune. Communion. Still opening eyes from the Emmaus Road illuminating from Genesis to Revelation that holy bread… it satisfies. Rise Bread.


Rise Waters. Rage on. Raging waves, they turned sea walls at HIS telling… revealing path made bone dry by HIS breath of promise. Rise Waters. Our eyes are fixed on HIM.


Rise Spirit. That same spirit that raises Savior from the dead. Same spirit in YOU in HIM in YOU in HIM in YOU. Rise Spirit. Emanuel. You are with us. You are IN us. Rise Spirit!


Rise Soul. Speak bold the Truth. I T.  I S. W E L L.   It is well. It is well. Restorer of my soul says It is Well. Recite it again, risen soul, ‘It is well’ WITH ME! Rise Soul.


Rise Shepherd. Guide on.  Shepherd in the night; crook and rod in hand. Guide, provide, love, and correct. Be my friend. Be my rest. Rise Shepherd. Pursue me with your tender love. Shepherd me.


Rise Laughter. Joy high from the heavenlies where HE sits and laughs. Joy low from your belly bubbling up with might unmatched. Make hearts merry with Medicine that heals. Roaring joy that stops enemies on a dime. Rise Laughter.


Rise YOU. Rise like the dawn, for your light has ALREADY dawned! The brilliant sun. Radiant with glory. Bursting through every tightly drawn shade. The Light has risen upon YOU. You’re enveloped by sunlight.  It’s spilling out all around. No corner of heart or nation’s darkness is safe from your light. Shine on. Rise YOU. Rise like the dawn."

— Poetry by Regina Jones



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