Goodness shall follow

Photography: Danielle Morales
Background Music:  ‘Anseio Jesus’ by Zainabo José
Apple Music »

"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: 

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

— Psalm 23


Consider the how important it is to be true to the Lord and to be a light in the midst of all of our surroundings. Follow the Lord and radiate his beauty. 


About the Artists: 
Photography - Danielle Morales

Owner and Senior Photographer at InJoy Photography
Danielle is a natural-light photographer and homeschooling mom of four in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She adores golden hour, all things vintage, spring and fall, fresh flowers, and Latin America. Photography brings her joy, not only in the creative aspect, but also in being able to bless families through the timeless treasure of excellent imagery. She is inspired by the natural world and human connection, which she strives to incorporate into the body of her work.

Music - Zainabo José 
Iris Global 
Zainabo wears many hats for Iris Pemba, Mozambique but worship and praise are her favorite. 


#flowerart #spiritusarts #spiritus #glorifytheLord #psalm23 #flowers

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